Friday, August 19, 2011

financiers. nature et chocolat.

 i love the texture of this french specialty.
the egg white makes the outside slightly crisp and chewy, the inside is moist and soft.
i ate my favorite financier in paris at eric kaysers.
my recipe is slightly different than his, but nonetheless trés yummy.
a friend who visited me the day i baked them almost ate them all up.
point made.


150g butter (melted and browned)
5 egg whites
150g sugar
1/2 vanilla bean
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
60g flour, sifted
60g almonds, ground
1/4 tsp salt

melt butter in pan, let boil until slightly browned.
set aside and let cool a bit.
beat egg whites until slightly frothy and white. 
do not over beat, or else the financiers won't turn out!
add sugar, scraped vanilla beans and vanilla extract. 
mix until fully incorporated.
add browned butter, sieving it to leave out the burnt parts.
mix in well.
add flour, almonds and salt, mixing in completely.
fill into forms and bake in a 220 degrees celcius preheated oven. after 5 minutes, turn down the heat to 165 degrees. 
bake until slightly browned. 
it took around 10-13 minutes for mine to be done.