Sunday, August 4, 2013

Instagram of the week.

I'm sorry for being so absent. 
But between some sleep, work and adventuring, it seems there is not a lot of time left to devote to the blog.
I have decided to put away some additional time each week though to get back into the groove and let you guys in on my Portland life. 

I hope to post some Instagram photos every weekend, of food, adventures, whatever. 
And I'll note the addresses. 


Ich entschuldige mich für meine Abwesenheit.
Aber zwischen etwas Schlaf, Arbeit und Abenteuern, scheint nicht so viel Zeit für den Blog übrig zu bleiben.
Ich habe jedoch beschlossen etwas Zeit jede Woche beiseite zu legen um wieder in eine blogging Routine zu kommen und euch an meinem Portland Leben teilhaben zu lassen.

Ich hoffe dass ich jedes Wochenende Instagram Fotos von Essen, Abenteuern, und sonstigem veröffentlichen kann. 
Und ich werde die Adressen weitergeben.
Viel Vergnügen. 

(1) morning sky driving home from work (2) salted caramel & blackberry birthday cake ice cream from "Salt & Straw" 2035 NE Alberta St. (3) vegan Eastern Bowl Eastern Bowl - nutritional yeast breaded tofu, broccoli, and brown rice with a spicy ginger peanut sauce, topped with avocado at "Sweet Hereafter" 3326 SE Belmont St. (4) "The Roxy" - diner in downtown open 24/7 1121 SW Stark St. (5) blueberry buttermilk pancake at "The Roxy" (6) dinner/ picnic with my friends @theboathouse (7) it consisted of veggie burgers, mashed cauliflower, corn on the cob (8) Elk Rock Island out near Milwaukie (9) homemade Morning Buns with cinnamon, raisins & pecans (10) Sandy River swimming fun (11) wild daisies in the forest (11) group shot from our adventure (12) plate from our bbq with couch surfers (13) the last of the plums from the tree I happen upon when I go for runs at Mt. Tabor (14) Voodoo doll decorating fun at 4 AM in the morning, yup Freddy Krueger and Jason (15) gorgeous flowers everywhere in Portland!