Wednesday, November 2, 2011

kouginettes (nature et chocolat-noisette).

fleur de sel
more butter


not graced with beauty
this pastry convinces mostly in taste.

done correctly 
it is exquisite melange of tastes and textures.

layers of butter and sugar.

utter bliss.


i am falling behind.
work is swallowing me whole.

so i want to reintroduce you to one of my loves of france.
the kouginettes
a petit form of kougin amann.

since i have posted them before, i do not have to do a lot of recipe explaining.

check out my prior posts 
here and here.

to find out how to make them read the post of david lebovitz here
and my post here.

david does a wonderful job of explaining through photos and words how this lovely pastry is made.

half of my kouginettes are filled with my homemade chocolate-hazelnut spread.

you can fill them with virtually anything, be creative, and enjoy every bite.

bon appétit!